Scott's : Current News

4:44 PM

April 24, 2008 News and Trends

Woman Who Broke "Small Town" Story Says Obama Campaign's Cla

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:24:14 PDT
The woman who broke the Obama "small town" story for The Huffington Post may have come under relentless fire from some Obama supporters after the news broke, but she has one word to describe the response she's since received from the Obama campaign itself: "Classy."

Fair Use and JK Rowling's lawsuit

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:35:44 PDT
P2Pnet news explains why the Fair Use Project is defending the publisher of a Harry Potter Lexicon against the author of the Harry Potter books. With links to NYT report.

Why should the lizadies be put into cages?

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:47:01 PDT
Today i saw on the news that a guy was keeping his wife in a cage, I think this is a great idea.

Battlefield: Bad Company release date + Gold Edition details

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:47:51 PDT
Good news- the upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company has been given a release date today and it looks like it is right on track for it's previously mentioned summer release. The official date is June 23.Now some details on the Gold Edition of the game. Let me first clarify that EA stated not too long ago that all the weapons will be unlockable ... Blogs - Idol News, April 15 Edition - Only Idol

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:55:46 PDT
What is going on with kelly Clarkson, Josh Gracin, Diane DeGarmo, kellie pickler this days. Was Idol Gives Backa successThis blogs discussed News concerning previous and current contestant on American Idol

Senator Has Cancer Again, Will Serve Term

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:00:54 PDT
n some very saddening news, we have learned that Senator Specter of Pennsylvania and a true leader on the Judiciary Committee has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease again.

More Royal Caribbean Genesis News from Ajani - 15 April 2008

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:01:05 PDT
More details released from Royal Caribbean regarding Project Genesis. Details include eating venues and details about Central Park

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12:46 PM

Current News for April 24, 2008

Cons: RCMP Raid Was a 'Publicity Stunt'

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:10:43 PDT
Pass the tissues. Oh how I weep for those poor victims of the RCMP raid of the Cons' headquarters. Not. The tories are scrambling to paint themselves as being oppressed after yesterday's raid (which continues today). The problem is that they appointed the two Elections Canada officials they're now suing and that they applaud the RCMP (even protecting Zaccardelli to the bitter end) except when they're the targets of a legally-sanctioned warrant. And now, they're also trying to implicate the Li

Local News (Cornwall Standard Freeholder)

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:12:56 PDT
The Children's Treatment Centre held its annual kick-off breakfast for the Bike-A-Thon Plus fundraiser at the civic complex Wednesday.

CTV, Global join forces to denounce cable-satellite vision of broadcasting (Canadian Business)

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:13:24 PDT
Julian Beltrame, The Canadian Press April 17, 2008 - 1:04 p.m. GATINEAU, Que. - Canada's two largest private broadcasters joined forces Thursday to warn that cable and satellite companies will destroy the country's broadcasting system if the federal regulator doesn't stop them.

Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run”

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:35:21 PDT
Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run” This morning, the state-run, state-owned CBC Newsworld state-media employed news anchor, Suhana Meharchand, referred to Zimbabwe’s “state-run news media” and how they are accusing the political opposition of treason. Canada’s state-owned, state-run CBC never refers to itself that way! Now. Countdown to liberals and sundry leftist and downright Marxist CBC apologists emailing me those seething reprimands insisting

Former PM still plugs for Kelowna deal (Nunatsiaq News)

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:54:20 PDT
Paul Martin, the former prime minister, is finding surprising success in his one-man crusade to revive the defunct political commitment known as the Kelowna accord.

This doc hip hops to the top of the world (

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:04:46 PDT
One hundred Inuit teens. Ten hip-hop dancers. Five days. Sheesh, we just have to start getting more sleep. But wait, this isn't a really weird dream after another cherished soiree of beer and extra saucy wings.

SATC star reveals fight with breast cancer

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:24:42 PDT
A brief history of homosexuality, played out in Vauxhall Billed as a shambolic evening of informative entertainment, audience participation and politics, the House of Homosexual Culture and Timberlina will present A Brief History of Homosexuality later this month. Popularity: 55% ?] Commissioner's horror at extent of homophobia in Europe The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights has called for more protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people. Popularity:

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