April 15, 2008 News and Trends
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:55:02 PDT
Well, most of us have heard the news, especially all the golfers, many of whom tune into the Golf Channel (GC) on a regular basis. Kelly Tilghman made remarks about Tiger Woods during a January 4, 2008 PGA Tour Telecast. In response... Opinion about Al Sharpton and his "ilk."
A conversation with Daniel Schorr
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:07:03 PDT
Eric Lui, President of the Seattle Public Library Board of Trustees, interviewed him with questions centering on his new book Come to Think of It. We heard how he creates his editorials for NPR by keeping himself immersed in the news of the day - and a very good research assistant. He told tales of his days with Richard Nixon...
Ed Banger "Ed Rec. Volume III"
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:09:43 PDT
JP's Blog posts some news about Ed Rec Vol. 3 and an album teaser done by Feadz.
“Money Make Me…”
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:21:39 PDT
I know ya’ll been talking about the big news of last weekend….No not that Kanye wasn’t invited to Jay and B’s wedding, although the dynamic duo’s nupital arrangement pretty much blew everything else off the radar. Instead, I’m talking about Mr. Knowles’ new record/concert/merchandising contract with Live Nation, guaranteeing hip-hop’s
Strange Way To Start The Morning
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:51:32 PDT
Strange Way To Start The Morning Posted by Aurelius @ 6:51 pm So, I walk outside this morning to take my son to the bus stop, and hear a helicopter. Not a starnge sound, as Frederickson is near Thun Field, McChord AFB, and Fort Lewis. Then I realized that it was TWO helicopters. As I squinted up into the sky (this is at 6:30am; pre-coffee) it took me a few seconds to realize that they were News Copters. When I got back to the ranch, after making sure the young one actually go onto the b
South Korea goes on orange alert
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:51:48 PDT
Via Yonhap News: S. Korea extends bird flu risk level to second highest nationwide. Excerpt: South Korea has extended its avian influenza risk level to the second highest nationwide amid rising concerns bird flu could spread across the country following a series of outbreaks this month, quarantine officials said Wednesday. The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries held a livestock quarantine meeting earlier in the day and decided to extend the risk level to "orange" nationwid
First News On FEAR FEST 3!
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:51:57 PDT
The fine fiends from Pit Of Horror and Dread Central have revealed the first bit of news on the next FEAR FEST show, which will now take place on October 2nd through the 4th, 2008. For your convenience, the event will take place at the Hyatt Regency hotel at the DFW airport. So far, a MONSTER SQUAD reunion is planned (with writer Shane Black making his first appearance!), a HALLOWEEN 4 reunion and more importantly... a FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 5 reunion. (I'm seriously excited for that. So is Mike.
Bill O'Reilly Reports Jeremiah Wright " Living Large" with " No Ghetto In Sight"
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:51:57 PDT
Bill O'Reilly, promising an investigation, claimed tonight, 4/15/08, that Jeremiah Wright is a hypocrite because he soon will be "living large" in a 10,000 foot home in an " all white neighborhood'' and " no ghetto in sight." O'Reilly speaking to Amanda Carpenter, Townhall.com, sculpted the information from an article published 4/14 by Ron Kessler, News Max to make the case that Wright is not who he pretends to be. O'Reilly claimed that Wright was raised in a " comfortable suburb" of Philadelp
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:54:29 PDT
hey guys its me dj i wanted to make a leader trading card game with cards of solders of armies this thing has nothing to do with war guys so even if ur an enemy leader or troop u can make one heres the lvls privates thru field comander: lowest lvl 1-20 general thru lord: medium lvl 21-50 co leader thru ultimate leader: high lvl 51-80 emperor thru major emperor: maximun lvl 81-100 lvls start at 1 and end at 100 also acp declared matial law but we did nothing to acp lately so yah but u
Looking Into the Future With an Editorial Calendar
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:55:36 PDT
I’ve recommended working with an Editorial Calendar to organize and plan your blog’s content, and now, I want you to look into the crystal ball of the future to make some decisions about upcoming blog content. The Olympics are coming. Didn’t you hear? Are you ready to blog about the Olympics? What angle might you take? The Tibet issue? The China as criminal perspective? China as a new political and economic force in the world? The dream for gold? The athletes? An editorial on the overblown obe
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:56:52 PDT
DIRECTORY: Home | The Presidency | P2008 Race | State/Federal Candidates | Political Parties Calendar | Campaign Products & Services | Issues | News Blog | News Links | Job Bank FAQ | View from Abroad | Bookstore | Our Awards | Advertise | About Us | Email Us WEDNESDAY OPEN THREAD. LIEBERMAN LIKELY TO SPEAK AT GOP CONVENTION; SEVEN NEW DEM PREZ PRIMARY POLLS; SECOND POLL SHOWS LANDRIEU LEAD IN LOUISIANA. P2008 - GOP. Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) -- the 2000 Dem nominee for V
The X-Factor's Back
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:57:10 PDT
Only this time as a snazzy, sleek online operation called: XXFactor.com. It a literal one-porn-stop shop packed with pics, news, reviews and, currently, a video of "Gigi" from Lucas Kazan with some sort of hot Matt Damon guy wanking off only with hair shaped like pasta from that "momma-told-me- there'd-be-days-like this" poster. (Lucas Kazan makes great stuff, too!) But it does make you wonder...just how much porn are we producing? By the looks of JrJockGymCamp.com - alot! Source.
Seroquel sleepy? -- Sheilac 4/14/08
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:57:16 PDT
Registration | Start a new thread | Check for new posts | Archives | Search | Boards | FAQ | More information | Babblechat : 3 Current posts Re: After 10 years on Effexor XR » clcty Sigismund 4/6/08 Re: Stopping Topamax Shell14 4/13/08 Re: Inderal-vs-Pindolol KarenRB53 4/15/08 Re: Severe OCD? Need feedback please Molybdenum 4/5/08 Re: Is it possible to Smoke Adderall hahndog 4/12/08 IMG new member]] Re: Effexor XR withdrawal symptoms @ 37.5mg/day nikkimarie 4/11/08 Re
Does Negativity Deliver Credibility? If So, That's Nuts.
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:57:48 PDT
Over the last 18 months or so, I've gained something of a reputation for being an early adopter more likely to heap praise on early versions of software with clear bugs than to drag services through the mud, calling out their every hole and flaw. I've stated that I do champion the little guy, and when I've found a service I like, there's no question you'll know, because I'll be consistent in my comments on it, highlighting new tweaks and trying to help you understand why I like what I do, and, i
BRIEF NOTE] Slovenia's Ten Day War
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:58:23 PDT
Partly because I'm interested in it as inspiration for an ongoing writing project, I've been reading up on Slovenia's war of independence, the Ten Day War, fought in June 1991 a year after a declaration of independence. (The previous link was to Wikipedia; the Slovenian defense ministry's version is here.) The main thing that strikes me about this war of independence is how neatly and successfully it was managed, with barely more than a hundred casualties and a duration of just ten days, and a n
and life is good.
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:58:46 PDT
and life is good. April 15, 2008 Jimmy Eat World was on Leno last night. They rocked, naturally. They played "Always Be," which contains what is probably my favorite Jimmy Eat World lyric ever, "You can't keep safe what wants to break." And I still think that Jim Adkins looks like Neville Longbottom. I got the news that I am definitely being offered the position with the trendy airline. They'll be sending me an offer letter within the next week. I think I'm going to hold out for more money.